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The Edge Card is Here!

The EDGE CARD is a new initiative from the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce and the Edgewater Community Council.  It’s a community discount card you can show at participating local businesses to receive discounts, deals, and special promotions. Click here for more details.

ECC Honored by Friends of the Parks

Friends of the Parks, an advocacy organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and improving Chicago's parks and green spaces, has awarded ECC their 2010 Advocacy Award. The award recognizes ECC's work in developing and producing the Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project.

The award was presented to ECC on February 3, 2011 during the Friends of the Parks' Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon which was held at G.A.R. Hall of the Chicago Cultural Center.

Special thanks to the entire Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project team for your hard work in making Edgewater a cleaner, greener place to call home!

Edgewater Library Replacement Update

The ECC Board of Directors, working in collaboration with ECC's Edgewater Environment Sustainability Project (EESP), has been closely monitoring developments related to the plan to close, demolish, and replace Edgewater's library at 1210 E. Elmdale. While we are excited for a new library, ECC's Board was disappointed that the planning of this project did not include any form of community review or input. This is unusual for Edgewater and troubling given the community significance of this project.

Following the April 26 informational session hosted by the Chicago Public Library, the ECC's Community Development and Planning Committee and EESP drafted a letter to Chicago Library Commissioner Mary Dempsey that included our concerns and our suggested changes to the Commission's plan. These changes included the elimination of the traffic-congesting curb-cut on Broadway as well as the partial re-use of the building to the north of the current library (instead of demolishing it for parking).

Click Here to view ECC's letter to Library Commissioner Mary Dempsey.

According to representatives from the Edgewater library branch, the originally-announced May 28 closing date has been extended, but a new closing date has
not yet been scheduled.

Public Transportation Forum Re-cap

ECC's Public Transportation Forum held on
February 16 at Senn High School attracted attendees from throughout Edgewater, Ravenswood, Rogers Park, Uptown, and Evanston. Audience questions were asked and answered and many attendees shared their thoughts on the role and evolution of public transportation on the north side of Chicago.

pecial thanks to the CTA, Metropolitan Planning Council, and Active Transportation Alliance for participating and to State Representative and Alderman-Elect Harry Osterman for attending the event.

Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project


Home Energy Savings
Consultations at the Thorndale Neighborhood Community Center:
1130 W. Thorndale
Wednesday Nights 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
  • Find Where your energy goes
  • Find Cost to Upgrade
  • Find Payback time (years)
Measure Your Electricity Use-Watt Meter
Buy  a Programmable Thermostat -$30
(Programmed - Save $= $70/annually)

Green Schools Committee

The Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project's Green Schools committee meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at the ECC Offices at 6044 N Broadway from 7:00 pm to 8:00pm.  Our meetings are concise planning and discussion sessions, and we hope some ECC members would like to join our effort.

Senior Benefits Check-Up

Do a screening for yourself and find out all the Benefits that you might qualify, find out about programs that help pay your prescription drugs, utility bills, meals, health care and other needs.


  © 2011 Edgewater Community Council