
Contact us at: 773-334-5609

Volunteerism, community activism, and cooperation are the cornerstones of the work accomplished daily by the Edgewater Community Council. There are numerous short and long-term opportunities to participate in making Edgewater the finest community in Chicago.

Board of Directors Meetings

The board of ECC meets the third Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 p.m. at the offices of ECC located at 6044 North Broadway, and every one is welcome to attend these open board meetings. ECC also strongly encourages all its members to participate as a member of our committees.

Committee Participation

Edgewater Beautiful

Plans and coordinates volunteer beautification efforts and works with elected officials on beautification projects in Edgewater. The committee meets the second Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the ECC offices.

Care For Real

Oversees the operation of the ECC food and clothing assistance program. Opportunities for on-site volunteerism and through the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The committee meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the ECC offices.

Housing Committee

Works closely with the ECC Housing Director to monitor building concerns, provide court advocacy in housing court, supports good building management, and remedies problems with buildings.

Planning & Development

Provides community planning process, monitors new developments in Edgewater and encourages innovative solutions to problems. The committee meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the ECC offices.


Works to improve overall safety in the Edgewater community. Work includes BEAT meetings, court advocacy, community alerts, National Night Out against crime and drugs, anti-discrimination. The committee meets the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the ECC offices.


Coordinates fundraising activities throughout the year on behalf of ECC. Two major events are held each year. The Spring Fundraiser and then in Fall the annual Gala. Other fundraising events are held throughout the year. The committee meets as events occur. Contact 773-334-5609 for additional information.


Works to increase membership and retain current members. The committee meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the ECC offices.


Coordinates efforts to improve and augment learning experiences with the 16 public and private schools as well as recreational facilities in Edgewater. Advocates for improvements in schools and links community members, parents, residents and businesses with schools. The committee meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Edgewater Library, 1210 West Elmdale.

Administrative Office needs

We are always looking for generous people who are willing to make a commitment to answer phones, help with mailings when necessary, contact the ECC offices at 773-334-5609 if you might like to donate 3-5 hours per week of your time.

Your thoughts

There may be ways that you can volunteer that we haven’t thought of – so give us a call and let’s discuss your ideas. It might be a discount of services to members, a special project in Edgewater that you think might address a problem, or beautify the neighborhood. We want to hear from you!


  © 2011 Edgewater Community Council